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Orthomolecular Mindset


Updated: May 3, 2021

In the years since we started this farm with a commitment to using no agricultural chemicals and no pharmaceutical chemicals on the land or with livestock, we have had considerable success using only nutrients (high-dose "vitamins") to treat issues in animals. Like orthomolecular treatments with humans, the results can be dramatic, with issues resolving in hours or days, or they can resolve or improve over weeks or months of consistent treatment.

The orthomolecular mindset is different than the industrial-medicine/veterinary mindset.

  1. "Diagnosis" versus "Issues" In the industrial-medicine model, a lot of effort goes into assigning a "diagnosis" to a problem. They run expensive tests, assign a diagnosis, prescribe a drug, and, in the case of humans, submit the diagnosis and prescription to insurance that, if all the codes match up in their computer, pays the bill. As an orthomolecular farmer, I use the term "issues" with the animals on the farm rather then spending time trying to assign a diagnosis. For example, warts, skin cancer, other skin bumps and rashes, and even skin or teat injuries are all lumped one category I call "skin issues." The orthomolecular approach I use to heal skin issues: hypernourish a broad area of the skin around the issue so the skin can dissolve or push out the issue. I'll write a future post about these groups of "issues" and treatment approaches for each category.

  2. "Which drug?" versus "Which nutrients?" In the industrial-medicine model, there are many drugs and more all the time. It's a great business model. So many possibilities for sales and a captive/hypnotized/brainwashed customer base that just keeps buying more drugs. With health insurance and government-sponsored health plans, we have removed the purchase-decision of the drugs from the customer, so consumer decisionmaking is discouraged. Insurance companies make the decisions and the sales revenue just flows like burst dams to the pharma companies. Orthomolecular medicine is more about resolving issues and attaining optimal health by understanding nutrients. One can argue that it makes a poor business model, as the customer gets healed and learns to keep themselves healthy, or the farmer uses cheap nutrients to keep animals healthy. Ascorbic acid is the fundamental nutrient we use and we rarely use a dollar's worth in a day to treat even a serious issue. Niacinamide is often mixed in, and it is dirt cheap. And, with livestock, minerals are often involved, salts and mineral oxides that are also cheap and readily available. The toolset is not that complicated and the tools are cheap.

  3. "Drugs treat the symptoms" versus "Nutrients fuel the healing" Industrial-medicine provides drugs to treat symptoms. The drugs create side effects, and then more drugs are prescribed to treat the side effects. Sometimes, the body figures out how to heal while drugs are applied, but often things just get worse over the long run. The business model is rich with profits as one drug is layered on another without any motivating force to help the customer in the long run. Orthomolecular medicine simply nourishes the natural healing properties of the body. Nutrients have healing properties, and all diseases are considered a nutrient deficiency rather than a pharmaceutical-chemical deficiency (to paraphrase Andrew W. Saul). In the case of ascorbic acid, it is the primary antioxidant in the mammal (arguably in all living systems). Oxidative stress produces "symptoms" or degeneration in both animals and humans. The purpose of antioxidants is to eliminate oxidative stress, and thus alleviate symptoms or regenerate the body. High levels of oxidative stress can be damaging or fatal, and, at a minimum, oxidative stress impairs the body's natural healing power. Remove the oxidative stress, and the body moves forward rapidly to heal the issue. Getting ascorbate to the areas in the body that are being impaired by high oxidative stress is a primary goal in orthomolecular medicine.

  4. "Science is authoritative" versus "Science is repeatable". Industrialized-medicine has created a controlled body of science and research that is inaccessible to the common man. Questioning this authoritative chain of command gets you quickly marginalized and ostracized. Science, in this model, is "settled" and only the approved process can interpret results of expensive and mind-boggling studies and connect the diagnoses, insurance codes, and treatments. Science by authority. The agenda is not necessarily about healing. Orthomolecular science is repeatable and accessible. Anyone can download Dr. Robert Cathcart's paper describing his discoveries on treating viral and bacterial diseases with only oral ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Anyone can follow his guidance to run the experiment on themselves. First-time-researchers will always prove his information about too much vitamin C resulting in diarrhea. Most will be able to shut down a virus (even a novel virus) in a day or two with consistent intake of ascorbate (also called "vitamin C") at the levels Cathcart suggested in 1981. Some will struggle taking ascorbic acid and will need to learn about other forms (sodium ascorbate, liposomal, chia-seed method). But the scientist becomes the common man, and that means you. If your research is diligent, you will repeat Cathcart's brilliant success, and then go on to teach others. Science by repeatability. Your agenda is always about healing.

I'll conclude this topic here, because it's New Year's Eve and the festivities on the farm are about to begin. Here's to an Orthomolecular Happy New Year!

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